Subscription FAQs

View your purchase history Request a refund Cancel your subscription

Change your payment method

View payment methods on file, choose which payment method you prefer to charge first, or update your billing information.
Add or remove a payment method
Redeem Gift Cards

Can’t complete a purchase?

You might need to edit your billing information or pay an unpaid bill.
Fix declined payments or unpaid balances

Manage purchases for your entire family

With Family Sharing and Ask to Buy, you can give kids the freedom to make their own choices while still controlling your spending.
Set up Ask to Buy

Access your purchases on all of your devices

After you sign in with your Apple ID, you can download songs, albums, movies, TV shows, apps, books, or audiobooks that you’ve already purchased.
Redownload previous purchases

Cancel, pause, or change a subscription on Google Play

Subscriptions on Google Play renew automatically unless you unsubscribe. Check which account you are currently signed in from. If this isn’t the Google Account that has your subscriptions, switch to the correct account.

Cancel a subscription

Uninstalling the app will not cancel your subscription.

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Store Google Play.
  2. Check if you’re signed in to the correct Google Account.
  3. Tap Menu Menuand then Subscriptions.
  4. Select the subscription you want to cancel.
  5. Tap Cancel subscription.
  6. Follow the instructions.

If you have a subscription with an app and the app gets removed from Google Play, your future subscription will be canceled. Your past subscriptions will not be refunded.

What happens after you cancel

When you cancel a subscription you’ll still be able to use your subscription for the time you’ve already paid.

For example, if you buy a one-year subscription on Jan. 1 for $10 and decide to cancel your subscription on July 1:

For information on subscription refunds, see returns and refunds on Google Play

Pause a subscription

Some apps will also let you pause your subscription. When you pause a subscription, your subscription will pause at the end of your current billing period.  

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Store Google Play.
  2. Check if you’re signed in to the correct Google Account.
  3. Tap Menu Menuand then Subscriptions.
  4. Select the subscription you want to pause.
  5. Tap Manage and then Pause payments.
  6. Set the time period to pause payments.
  7. Tap Confirm.

Restart payments for a paused subscription

You can resume your subscription anytime.

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Store Google Play.
  2. Check if you’re signed in to the correct Google Account.
  3. Tap Menu Menuand then Subscriptions.
  4. Select the subscription you want to start again.
  5. Tap Manage and then Resume.

Change your subscriptions

Check your subscriptions & renewal datesChange the payment method for a subscription

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